I don’t even know how long I’ve been here. I remember at one point trying to making notches in the side of the crib to count the days, but he found out and made me stop by putting my hands in these thumbless mittens. I must be here a few months now. With my mittens I pulled on the leach and turned my collar around so I could roll over, then I punched my pillow a few times and stared up at the dangling mobile.

 There was a light breeze in the room, the curtains were waving and the giraffe on the dangling mobile was swaying back and forth. I needed to go to the bath room and without giving it a second thought I let go and my diaper filled up. 

 O, how scared and how confused I’d was the first few days here. I was so angry, with the judge, with him, with the world. I was appalled by all of this and on many occasions I was ready to give up on this re-education program and willing to go back to prison instead, but now something was changing. I was changing and I couldn’t quite figure out why. Maybe the re-education program was working after all. 

 It seemed like ages ago that I was Dana the 32 year old armed robber, all alone in the world, filled with rage and anger, sometimes even just picking a fight and beating up a random guy for the fun of it. Just as a release valve for all that pinned up aggression. 

 But that appeared to be another life. It almost felt surreal, like those were the vague memories of a dream I once had. Yet I knew I still was that same 32 year old woman, because the pastel colored onesie showed two very clear bulges reminding me I had boobs.

 If it weren’t for my boobs I’d probably forget altogether about Dana the 32 year old, and I’d actually start to believe I was Dana the toddler still living with him. Daddy he’d liked me to call him, and while I’d resisted for many months, yesterday I’d finally caved, yesterday I’d accidentally called him daddy. It wasn’t even a conscious choice it was just something that happened on an intuitive level, after months of rebelling and fighting him, it slipped out of my mouth. 

 I heard him walking on the landing and I felt the urge to yell for him, yet I kept suckling on my pacifier and staring up at the dangling mobile, until he eventually walked in the room. He was a balding man, who neither resembled a typical daddy nor a traditional scientist. He was about 50 years old, and he had quite the slim and athletic build, his pajama bottoms were dangling low on his hips and he wasn’t even wearing a shirt, showing me all of his muscles. 

 The moment he walked in my chest filled up with a satisfied feeling. I wasn’t alone anymore. I was safe, daddy was here now, daddy would take care of me. I don’t know where that feeling came from, I guess it’s the result of my training here. 

 His face hanging over my cot. 

 ‘How’s my little Dana tonight? Did you have a good nights rest sweetheart?’ he said in a high-pitched cooing voice. 

 His arm reaching into the cot and he was tickling my tummy. I giggled and squirmed. I wriggled around trying to avoid his fingers until I had moved too far. My collar digging into my throat making it hard to breath. The leach between me and my cot strained out to the max. I was coughing and he gently pushed me back in a position where I could breath. 

 ‘There that’s better isn’t it?’ 

 ‘Why do I even need to wear a collar?’ I asked. 

 ‘Eventually you won’t.’ He said. ‘When we’re done.’

 ‘But when is that?’ I said whining. 

 He smiled. ‘I don’t know.’ He said, ‘Some people need more time, and others just take to it like a fish takes to water. But I think we reached another milestone yesterday.’ He briefly cupped my face and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. ‘Didn’t we?’ 

 ‘What milestone?’ I asked. He didn’t answer. He let go of my face and opened the wardrobe. He collected all the stuff he needed for a diaper change. 

 ‘What milestone?’ I asked again. ‘Me calling you daddy is that what you’re talking about.’ 

 He came back with two diapers and showed them to me. ‘Let’s see how this goes.’ He said. ‘Would you like this rainbow bear diaper, or this one with... what are they? elephants and foxes?’ He studied the diaper. I slammed my head back in the pillow and rolled my eyes. Every time he changed my diaper he asked me to pick a design and every time I told him I’d rather not wear a diaper at all, but then he reminded me about this program being mandatory and court ordered and he hoist me in a diaper of his choosing anyway. 

 ‘Elephants.’ I mumbled with a sigh. I didn’t particularly like the Elephant print, but overtime I’d learned that the diapers with the Elephants were just more snug and comfortable, while the rainbow ones would chafe my inner thighs and sometimes leak. 

 ‘Another milestone, sweety.’ He said while winking at me. He fidgeted with the little slider on the bars and then the side of the cot swung open. He sat down next to me on the mattress. His hand resting on my tummy slowly stroking up and down, the strokes getting longer and longer. His fingers grazing past my boobs numerous times, touching the waistband of my diaper and eventually his hand laid completely on top. He softly slapped my diaper a few times. 

 ‘Is your nappy all full sweetheart? Do you need daddy to give you a new nappy?’ 

 I rolled my eyes at him and looked the other way. He unbuttoned my onesie pajamas and I helped him undress me, taking my arms out of the sleeves, pulling my feet and legs out of the trousers, lifting my hips so he could retrieve the pajamas from underneath of me.

 Then he opened up my old diaper, with some wet wipes he carefully cleaned me up, his fingers and the cold wipe were confusing sensations on my pussy. On the one hand I felt humiliated and helpless and on the other hand the helplessness brought me some sort of peace. I couldn’t do anything, so I didn’t have to worry about anything. I should just depend on my daddy. He would take care of me. He was here now, and he made me feel so save and secure, he made me feel so loved, and all this movement between my legs was quite arousing. 

 I closed my eyes and tried to ignore his fingers. 

 ‘What are we going to do today?’ I asked. ‘More training?’ 

 ‘Do you feel you need more training?’ He asked. 

 ‘I don’t know.’ I said. ‘I don’t think I would soon rob or attack someone anymore, so maybe I’m all done.’ 

 He laughed as he sprinkled some baby powder on my crotch and spread it out. ‘Actually,’ he said, his fingers resting on top of my pussy while the palm of his hand softly pressed down on my clit. ‘Since you’ve reached that milestone yesterday and you’ve acknowledged me as your daddy, it’s time to start with phase four of your training, so today we’re going to start working on your attachment. A secure attachment to your daddy is one of the most important things in growing up to be a happy healthy, non-violent young lady.’ 

 I sighed although that might have been just for show, because on the inside I was actually quite curious and eager to see what he had in store for me. He swaddled my hips and closed up my diaper and then he released me from the leach. 

 ‘Come with me.’ He said. ‘We’re going to start with some skin on skin bonding for breakfast.’ He held my hand as he guided me downstairs. He told me to sit on the couch in the living room while he prepared a bottle. I was still wearing only my diaper and I shivered. I flipped through a magazine, and looked at the pictures of Peppa Pig, trying to find her way through a maze. I followed the maze with my eyes, but without a pen I kept loosing track of the route. Sometimes it felt like my emotion were a maze, sometimes it felt like my daddy turned my emotions into a maze. It used to be much simpler. All I used to feel was anger, but now there were all these new complex feelings. 

 ‘There you are.’ He said as he returned to the living room shaking a babies bottle up and down. Most mornings he would hand me the bottle and told me to drink it, so I reached out my hands to take the bottle from him. 

 ‘No, no, no. Sweety.’ He said. ‘Come over here.’ 

 ‘What?’ I asked confused.

 ‘Come sit here.’ He pulled me onto his lap, guiding me into a cradling position. My torso leaning against his bare skin, there was a warmth radiating all through my body and I wasn’t sure whether that was a physical warmth or an emotional warmth. It felt vulnerable though, way too vulnerable. So I escaped his embrace and sat up straight, shaking my head. ‘Are you going to bottle feed me?’ I asked, part of me hoping he’d say yes, part of me was curious and yearning for that warmth I felt just now, but another part of me was confused, grasping at straws trying to understand. ‘What are we doing, daddy?’

 It must have been the confusion that made me call him daddy again, the panic and the confusion and the desire for him to help me make sense of it all. 

 ‘You’re going to lie down in your daddy’s arms and you’re going to drink your milk.’ He said, gently pulling me back in that cradling embrace. He lifted up the bottle and splashed a little of the milk onto his wrist to test the warmth and then he bumped the nipple into my mouth. Instinctively I closed my lips around the silicon and suckled my mouth full of milk. Then I used my tongue to push the bottle away. 

 ‘Is there drugs in the milk?’ I asked. 

 ‘Those aren’t drugs.’ He said. 

 ‘You know what I mean. Medicine.’ I said. 

 ‘Sweetheart.’ He said. ‘Off course there’s medicine in your milk. I’ve told you a million times your medicine is part of the program. The medicine helps your mind to open up and let all these new experiences inside.’ 

 ‘But what medicine is in it?’ I asked. ‘What will happen? How will I feel?’ 

 ‘Honey, don’t worry about that. Your daddy is in charge of the program, your daddy takes care of everything, your daddy knows when to give you which medicine. All you have to do is listen to daddy and obey.’ Again he pressed the nipple into my mouth and I started to suckle once more. Filling my mouth with lukewarm milk, trying to taste a hint of bitterness, trying to figure out what medicine he was giving me. 

 Some medicine made me warm and sleepy, some made me slip into some sort of trance, some would cause memory loss, some would mess up my bodily coordination for the rest of the day and leave me partially paralyzed. I just... I wanted to know what to expect. I wanted to know what was happening to me. 

 Daddy sang me a song, he was holding the bottle and feeding me my milk while slowly rocking me back and forth at the same time. 

 ‘Hush little baby don’t say a word, daddy’s going to buy you a mocking bird.’

 It was quite nice actually. I felt the tension slip away from my body. I was calm and relaxed and at peace. I didn’t know whether that was from some sort of medicine, or whether it was daddy’s singing, or his warm tight embrace. His bare skin against my skin. Intuitively I rubbed my cheek against his pectoral muscle. Wherever his body touched mine there was this glow of peaceful satisfaction and I wanted to feel more of it. I was wriggling and squirming in his arms, rubbing my belly and my boobs against him whenever I could. 

 ‘Ssh, ssh, ssh.’ Daddy said, his fingers playfully darting over my face, he boobed my noise and gave me and endearing smile, then his hand wandered further down, grazing my clavicle, caressing my boob until eventually his whole hand cupped my boob. Flesh spilling out between his fingers. My nipples got hard and aroused and there was a strange tingle between my legs. 

 I vaguely knew that that tingle was signaling horniness, but my mind was getting number and number with every gulp of milk that I swallowed. Almost as if the milk was making me dumber or younger if thats even possible. Maybe the milk was just laced with some sort of sedative releasing me from my inhibitions and the regression part was just me surrendering to him, simply because it felt so good to be here. It felt so relaxed to be a little girl and to not worry about anything, to just depend on my daddy, to trust him and obey him, to not have to think for my own, to not have to fend for myself. I didn’t know what was happening, but I didn’t much cared to know anymore. I was happy and satisfied anyway. 

 ‘It’s working daddy.’ I said happily. ‘The milk is working.’ 

 ‘Is it, sweety?’ He said, his fingers softly squeezing and massaging my boob, rubbing his thumb over the nipple so a pulse of arousal would shot through my body. Making me inhale sharply every time. Forcing a moan out of me. Causing me go cross-eyed with arousal. 

 ‘Daddy.’ I muttered softly. ‘Daddy, daddy, daddy.’ A buzzing euphoria in the back of my mind as I gave in and surrendered myself to him, as I mentally slipped away in this regressed state of mind that he had induced in me. 

 ‘Daddy, Daddy. Buh-bub-bub.’ My words were fading into uncoordinated syllables and daddy pulled the nipple from my mouth. 

 ‘Woops.’ He said. ‘I think you’ve had enough milk for now.’ 

 My mouth felt empty. I was smacking my lips trying to find the bottle or something else to suckle on. My cheek still resting against his pec and intuitively I turned my head towards his chest and closed my lips around his nipple, continue suckling. 

 ‘O... okay.’ Daddy sounded quite surprised. ‘That’s new.’ He said as he gently brushed some hair away from my face. ‘None of the other girls have ever nursed on me before. Isn’t it funny how all of you are different? You spend months is phase 3, the longest of everybody I’ve ever helped and even after we finally reach some of the milestones, I’m still not entirely sure whether you’re ready for phase four and now this... you’re an atypical girl Dana, but we’ll figure you out, won’t we? I like a bit of a puzzle.’ 

 He was still softly rocking me. The hand that had been massaging my boob and nipple was now inching down, tickling my tummy, playing with the edge of my diaper. 

 ‘What would be the next step for little Dana? To be honest I have no clue.’

 Hesitantly he kept playing with the waistband of my diapers and then he slipped his hand inside. His fingers pressing against my labia. 

 ‘Let’s see how you respond to this,’ he said. ‘What do you think about that sweetheart?’ 

 His fingers caressing me ever so softly, playing with my clit, turning my entire pussy in a tingling puddle of goo. He was making my breath irregular, my body trembled with arousal and involuntarily a little moan emerged from my mouth. 

 ‘What’s that sweetheart?’ He asked. 

 ‘Dunno Daddy.’ I mumbled. ‘It feels funny.’ 

 ‘What feels funny sweetheart.’ 

 ‘Between my legs it feels so weird, whazz going on daddy?’ 

 ‘I think you’re getting a bit horny sweetheart?’

 ‘What is ho-w-ny?’ I asked, my voice sounding high pitched and childlike. I wasn’t even consciously replacing r’s with w’s. It just happened. It was outside of my realm of control. All I could do was suckle, suckle on daddy and intuitively I started to look for his nipple again. When I wanted to close my lips around it he pushed me away. 

 ‘Not anymore.’ He said.

 I was overcome with sadness and emptiness, it all felt so primal. My body reacting without my mind being able to filter. I cried and whined. 

 ‘Ssh.’ Daddy said. ‘It’s okay. Do you need to suckle on something?’ 

 I nodded. Tears shimmering in my eyes, lips pouting. Daddy lowered me down on his lap. Now my head wasn’t next to his nipple anymore, but close to his crotch. He pushed his pajama pants down and showed me his cock. It was already semi-erect, he fumbled his cock into my mouth and the moment I started suckling I felt him growing. 

 He was tugging on my diaper, opening the tapes and then he exposed my pussy, he rubbed his fingers up and down over my pussy, his fingers getting wet and slippery from all my pussy juices. He played with my clit, circling it with his index finger, making me squirm and moan.

 I was trapped in a cloud of love and tenderness. I was feeling so safe and secure and horny all at the same time. My feelings seemed to be way stronger than any conscious thought I had, my feelings were overwhelming, my feelings were calling the shots, while my mind was numb and regressed, expelled towards the back seat, just a helpless observing passenger is this vessel that was my body. 

 This vessel that was succumbing to all the pleasures and arousal. He slipped his finger inside of me and finger fucked me. My pussy cramped up around his finger and within moments I was send over the edge. The most intense orgasm crashed through my body, making me tremble and shake uncontrollably. 

 And then I squirted or I peed, I wasn’t even sure what happened, there was just this overwhelming orgasm making me loose control. In a few big gulps it splashed out of me, squirting against his fingers, seeping down into my butt crack. Drenching the diaper that was still laying beneath my hips. He folded the front of the diaper back against my dripping pussy. 

 ‘It’s okay sweetheart, that happens, don’t worry about it. Little girls can’t control their bodies yet, can they? You were just so horny you started squirting weren’t you? That means you love daddy very very much, that means your pussy is ready to bond with daddy.’ 

 I was only partly listening to his words, my mind was just drifting in this euphoric bliss. I was satisfied suckling on his cock and just laying there in the afterglow of my orgasm. 

 ‘It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay.’ He said. ‘I think we have to make a change of plans, I think daddy needs some time to regroup and assess the situation, since I’m not really sure what phase you’re in now. But first let’s give you some amnesiac, okay? Since we can’t have you remembering any of this, can we? I’m not sure what the judge would think about all of this.’ He laughed and wriggled himself out from underneath me and as his cock slipped from my mouth I started to whine and sob again. 

 ‘Daddy is right back.’ He said. 

 When he finally returned to the couch, I hasted myself to lay my head in his lap again. I closed my lips around his cock once more and satisfied I started to suckle once more. I wouldn’t let go of the cock anymore. I wouldn’t let go of daddy anymore. He showed me a plastic syringe with some milky white drug inside of it. 

 He told me to open my mouth, but I just didn’t want to let go. So he slipped the syringe into my mouth next to the cock and he pushed a gulp of bitter medicine into the back of my throat. I willingly swallowed and a shiver ran down my spine. Within moments I felt my head tingling and I was getting sleepier and sleepier. 

 Something was happening, but I couldn’t figure out what. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. With his cock still in my mouth I gently sank away in this deep memory-erasing sleep. 


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